Introducing St.Eval Candles

Introducing St.Eval Candles

At Koko & Smokey, we love to work with other local businesses who share the same passion about their products, as we do about creating magic in your home. 

St.Eval Candle Company were born in Cornwall 28 years ago after their love of artisan crafts. With their core values centred around sustainability, St.Eval are dedicated to preserving the environment around them, whilst protecting it during their candle making process. They use recycled product, reduce single-use plastic wherever possible and are close to being carbon neutral. They even produce their own energy by wind, biomass and much more. What's not to love and appreciate about this way of working? 

What we fell in love with though, was St.Eval's beautiful fragrances. All the candle scents within the range are designed to evoke memories, awaken the senses, or relax the mind. Whatever you're wanting to experience when finding the perfect candle, St.Eval have designed an aroma for you. 

We stock a wide collection of St.Eval candles, ranging from tin candles, dinner candles, multiwick and pillar candles, and tea lights for droplets of light around your home. The scents we've selected offer a broad range of ingredients, and you'll find candles to help you relax or uplift. If you're unsure what aroma is right for you, read our handy guide on choosing the right fragrance

Whichever candle you choose (and you can shop our collection here), they're a great way to transform your home. Whether it's through the fragrance itself, or the soft pools of light that flood your home as a result. 

When placing your candles around your home, please be careful when lighting them, or when they're in use. You can read our safety guide here. 

Love, Lucy x